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Measuring Psychological Safety

Essential for Creating Safe and High-Performing Teams

Crucial Measurement

Understanding and improving psychological safety within your organization is crucial for fostering an environment where employees feel safe to take interpersonal risks without fear of negative consequences. Our advanced tools, including the Psychological Safety Index (PSI) and the Fearless Organization Scan, provide comprehensive insights and actionable recommendations to help you build a culture where team members can speak up, collaborate, and innovate freely.

The Development of Psychological Safety Measurement

The concept of psychological safety was developed by Dr. Amy Edmondson of Harvard Business School. Her research highlighted the critical role that psychological safety plays in team performance and innovation. The purpose of measuring psychological safety is to identify areas where organizations can improve communication, trust, and collaboration, ultimately leading to a more productive and engaged workforce.

Certified Expertise

We are certified practitioners of psychological safety, recognized as experts in the concept, coaching, debriefing, and administration of psychological safety initiatives. Our certification ensures that we are equipped to provide you with the highest level of professional guidance and support. With our expertise, we analyze results and create tailored recommendations, driving meaningful improvements and fostering a safe and high-performing workplace


Benefits and Results
Measuring psychological safety brings several benefits to an organization:
  • Improved Communication: Employees feel more comfortable sharing ideas and concerns, leading to more open and effective communication.
  • Enhanced Innovation: A psychologically safe environment encourages creativity and innovation, as employees are not afraid to propose new ideas.
  • Higher Engagement and Retention: When employees feel valued and heard, their engagement and loyalty to the organization increase, reducing turnover rates.
  • Safer Work Environment: Psychological safety reduces the likelihood of accidents and errors by promoting the reporting of issues and near-misses.
  • Better Team Performance: Teams that operate in a psychologically safe environment are more cohesive, collaborative, and high-performing.

Next Steps
Ready to measure and improve psychological safety in your organization? Contact us today to schedule a consultation and take the first step towards creating a more open, innovative, and safe workplace.